Four unexpected 'upsides' of climate change

From The Weather Network

The science has been in for some time: Earth's climate is changing, and human activity has been making it worse.

Editor's note: This article was originally published in 2015

"No big deal," the skeptics say, "we'll just adapt" -- like retooling a multi-trillion-dollar civilization to function in a climate paradigm it wasn't designed for is as simple as tossing on an extra sweater.

Still, it won't quite be the apocalypse. In fact, in a highly subjective, sting-in-the-tail way, there are actually some unexpected upsides.

Here are four we've scrounged up.

(Some) animals will benefit

Every day there's a new story of one species or another that is hard-pressed for climate change, and some scientists have suggested the Earth is in the midst of a mass extinction.

But amid this avalanche of bad news, there's some odd little upsides for some species, like Australia's grey nursing sharks.

While other sharks have been stressed by rising ocean temperatures, warmer waters have proven a strange boon to this one, which is separated into two distinct populations on either side of the continent.

The grey sharks are declining so thoroughly they may go extinct by 2050, but according to Mother Nature Network, the waters around Australia are warming enough that the two populations will soon be able to migrate toward each other, boosting their chances of survival.

As for other species, researchers at McMaster University in Canada and St. Andrews University in Scotland might have some good news on that, courtesy of the unassuming zebrafish.

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