Why We Still Don't Know How Long a Day is on Saturn

From Gizmodo

The ending of NASA’s Cassini mission is a truly intoxicating cocktail of emotions; on one hand, the data from this 20-year-long mission will fuel scientific research for years to come. On the other hand, where are we going to get our regular updates on everyone’s favorite gas giant? What about the photos? Seriously, our Saturn-induced FOMO is about to skyrocket.

This week, the intrepid spacecraft completed the 15th of its 22 Grand Finale dives between the gas giant and its rings. As the spacecraft’s adventure draws closer to its final coda, many questions remain, including one that seems like it’d have an obvious to answer: How long is a day on Saturn?

According to Cassini scientist Jo Pitesky, we’re still not sure after all these years. When Voyager 2 visited Saturn back in 1981, it recorded the planet’s rotational period as 10 hours, 39 minutes. But when Cassini visited the gas giant, it measured the day as 10 hours, 47 minutes. Each time Cassini has tried to pin down the exact length of a Saturnian day, the numbers change.

Read more: http://gizmodo.com/why-we-still-dont-know-how-long-a-day-is-on-saturn-1797335192

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