Science:What is Science? Everything You Need To Know.

Science:What is Science? image
     Shakespeare once wrote,"Nothing is good or bad
 in the World but thinking makes it so."
This is also true in the case of science.Science is neither a curse nor a blessing.Everything depends on its use.
Human Happiness
We live in the age of Science.It has changed the face of the world.It has given us many valuable gifts which are very useful.
Electricity is one of the most valuable gift of science.It has been proved to be a boon in the modern world.It is very useful in our daily life.
Machines have save our time and energy.We can fly like birds.We can cross the ocean like fish.Computer, Television, Radio and Mobile phones are the very useful gifts of science.
In the medical field new drugs have been invented.It has lessened human pain and suffering by inventing new drugs.
Abuses of Science
But there is also a dark side of the picture.It has given us the powers of a devil.Now we have very danger weapons like Atom Bombs and Hydrogen Bombs.Machines are very useful but they are the main cause of unemployment.
As a conclusion we can say that On the whole science is neither good nor bad.It does good to mankind If it is used properly but it will harm us if it is misused.
     This is Why Mr.Hardy wrote,"Science is an angel
 in peace but devil in war."
Mr.C.E.M.Jodh wrote,"Science has given us powers fit for thegods yet we use them like small children."

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