A Groundbreaking New Way To Watch Over Bee Populations

Over the past several years there has been a lot of talk about the declining bee population in the U.S. and around the world, and there have been many theories put forth as to why they might be suffering such a tragic decline. The growing problem has been referred to as the HoneyBee Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).

It has been estimated that over the last decade the world bee population has declined by at least 40 percent.

For bee farmers, they will tell you that quite often it is too late to do anything for their bees by the time that they find out that something is wrong. In order for a bee farmer to tell how many bees he has, to assess their population, the way that they do it today is they visually estimate. This method isn't very efficient and it's not very effective, and the population might start to die off from some problem and by the time that the farmer knows about it then it might be too late to initiate a solution.

Until Now

A new product has been developed to try and meet the need of beekeepers in enabling them to better assess and keep track of their bee populations, and the solution is called Hive Genie.

The system is a beehive-monitoring device that is able to use senors in a noninvasive way, in order to keep track of the bee population in the hive. The inventor, a beekeeper himself along with his family, is passionate about doing what he can to gather information to help find the causes that might be contributing to the Colony Collapse Disorder. And in order to address that problem they need all of the most accurate data that they can get about the current bee populations.

The Hive Genie is a tool that can greatly help beekeepers to be able to get the most accurate and up-to-date information about their bees.

The Hive Genie doesn't just keep track of the bees but it also inspects for problems and in some cases it will also be able to provide possible solutions. There is an LED display that is able to let the beekeeper know whenever there is something wrong with the hive. This is a great improvement from the traditional method of having to inspect by sight.

On their website they also address other methods that can be utilized to try and help the declining bee population and among them are suggestions like planting flowers, buying local, buying organic, planting fruit trees, and avoiding the use of pesticides.


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