Using Graphene For Flexible OLED Displays

Scientists have found a way to use graphene in order to make flexible OLED displays.

Up until now the OLED screens were too fragile, the transparent electrodes weren't strong enough to be very flexible.

The researchers from South Korea say that they have now successfully been able to create the world's first OLED panel that is flexible by using graphene for its electrodes. They also say that material should be sturdy enough to avoid being chipped.

The team from South Korea's Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute has been working on the project for roughly 4 years.

They are said to be the first ones to successfully implement the use of graphene electrodes into an OLED display panel. They worked to develop the project alongside Hanwha Techwin; a technology company.

To be fair, this isn't the first time that someone has attempted to make a flexible OLED display (see the LG model above). A number of other companies are also working on developing bendable displays. But this is credited as being the first time that scientists have tried to use graphene to create transparent electrodes in order to do it.

We have seen graphene make its way across a variety of different industries and the use of it is only going to expand well into the future as more people begin to realize the benefits available to using this material. It's suggested that we might start to soon see a lot more clothing and wearable technology options that implement graphene technology. The possibilities are vast for what sorts of products we might see come to market some day.

Next up, the researchers plan to use a plastic substrate instead of glass—to try and boost flexibility-- and attempt to increase the toughness of the screen.

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