Citizen Science: Project FeederWatch -- Count #04 Report w/Original Photos

Citizen science is a great way to involve children and adults in discovery and contribute to scientific research and conservation. Project FeederWatch through Cornell University is a great way to get involved in citizen science. You can learn more at the Project FeederWatch website.

I typically watch birds on Saturday and Sunday. This is my report for 3-4 December 2016.

Created Using MS PowerPoint and Images from Project FeederWatch

December 2016

The 2016-2017 season goes through 7 April 2017.

Bird Watching Notes

Before the Two-Day Count Period

The day before the two-day count period was a beautiful day, great for taking pictures.

Dark-Eyed Junco

When the first Dark-eyed Junco shows up at my feeders I know winter is not far behind.

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European Starling

I am not a big fan of European Starlings. I much more prefer the indigenous bird species like Red-winged Blackbirds and Common Grackles. Common Grackles are smart they do not winter here in Nebraska.

The European Starlings are prevalent throughout the contiguous United States.

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Morning Dove

I finally observed a Morning Dove this FeederWatch season.

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Northern Cardinal

This Northern Cardinal landed in my berry tree. I took the opportunity to snap a quick photograph of him trying to blend in with red berries.

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Saturday morning started with a spectacular sunrise.

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A few hours later it started snowing.

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Saturday was a snowy day at my feeders.

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An entertaining sight was watching one squirrel try to climb the pole up to my feeder full of peanuts. That squirrel tried and tried but the falling snow made the poll wet and slippery.

The squirrel never made it to the peanuts.

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Sunday morning revealed a white covering of snow. The temperature was above freezing and the sun was brightly shining later in the day.

Blue Jay

I was able to snap this photo of a Blue Jay in my berry tree.

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Bird Counts

Counts for Current Period

My bird counts for the two-day period 3-4 December 2016.

Snapshot from Project FeederWatch Bird Count Summary

Summary of Counts this Season

Snapshot from Project FeederWatch Bird Count Summary

Previous Project FeederWatch Post

Citizen Science: Project FeederWatch -- Count #03

Use of Original Photos

I used the SteemIt icon in my photo credit to indicate these photographs were originally posted on SteemIt.
The photographs in this post are free to be used by anyone as long as the photo credit is left on the photographs.

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