Citizen Science: Project FeederWatch -- Count #06 Report w/Original Photos

Citizen science is a great way to involve children and adults in discovery and contribute to scientific research and conservation. Project FeederWatch through Cornell University is a great way to get involved in citizen science. You can learn more at the Project FeederWatch website.

Past Project FeederWatch data has been used to study the effects of viruses (see post about the West Nile Virus) and how they spread through ecosystems.

I typically watch birds on Saturday and Sunday. This is my report for 17-18 December 2016.

Created Using MS PowerPoint and Images from Project FeederWatch

December 2016

The 2016-2017 season goes through 7 April 2017.

Bird Watching Notes

Flash-Back to 2001

The cold weather this weekend combined with the snow showers reminded me of the time back in 2001 when some very large animals visited my feeder site.

My feeder site is not too far from a small farm. A few cows jumped the fence and escaped into our housing development. When I went out to fill the feeders the escaped cows heard the swoosh of the grain going into the feeders. It was like ringing the dinner bell. The cows started moving toward my feeders. I rushed inside to photograph them at my feeders.

Original Photo

There is a species of birds named Brown-headed Cowbirds which do not typically winter in this part of eastern Nebraska.

Because I was able to photograph the cows eating at my feeders, I sent this photo into Project FeederWatch to ask "Are these cowbirds?" They got a kick out of the photo.


The weather started getting cold and blusterly on Saturday. There were snow showers most of the day with very little accumulation.

Temperatures (F): Low -4 and High 23

Northern Cardinal

Original Photo

Image Source

Red-Bellied Woodpecker

Original Photo

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Sunday started out very cold. My outside thermometer read 9 degrees (F) below zero just before sunrise. Sunday was a bright, sunny day with light winds.

Temperatures (F): Low -8 and High 13

American Goldfinch

The population of American Goldfinches wintering here in eastern Nebraska typically declines in the winter months.

Original Photo

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Rock Pigeon

Over the last several years the number of Rock Pigeon visiting my feeder site has steadily increased.

Original Photo

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European Starling

Several times over the weekend it looked like a feeding frenzy as the European Starlings flocked around my feeders.

Original Photo

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Bird Counts

Counts for Current Period

My bird counts for the two-day period 17-18 December 2016.

Snapshot from Project FeederWatch Bird Count Summary

Summary of Counts this Season

Snapshot from Project FeederWatch Bird Count Summary

Previous Project FeederWatch Post

Citizen Science: Project FeederWatch -- Count #05

Use of Original Photos

I used the SteemIt icon in my photo credit to indicate these photographs were originally posted on SteemIt.
The photographs in this post are free to be used by anyone as long as the photo credit is left on the photographs.

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