Stay away from food if you want a sharp mind!

According to a recent study (source), people who want to have an enviable memory have to bow down from food.

According to the study, a hormone secreted by the stomach and responsible for appetite may stimulate the development of new neurons and provide protection against the effects of aging, according to

When the stomach is emptied, the hormone of hunger, the ghrelin, is secreted, and its blood level increases when we experience a few hours of hunger.

Specialists say that ghrelin can also improve brain function. They have noticed that animals that follow poor diets in calories have better mental abilities, and the motif can be ghrelin. Also, the grid can increase the number of neural connections.

The discovery could also explain why some people say starvation makes their minds "more agile," but it could also help develop new treatments for neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease.

There is a series of foods that can keep your brain sharp, like: blueberries, citrus fruits, nuts, fish, avocados, coffee, Greek yogurt, eggs and quinoa.


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