The glorious dawn of a post-scarcity world is arriving.

Look upwards, and you can still see the beautiful stars twinkle.
Only the crest of the magnificent sun is visible, bursting through the darkest clouds.
A new era is beginning.

A post-scarcity era.

A society where we are no longer struggling in the mud and dirt to find food and energy sources is arriving. We are finally at a point where machines do so much work, that a majority of people no longer have work to do. It is still the early morning, so some humans must farm, plan or monitor things, such as maintaining machines or shipping things. But for how much longer?

The beautiful sunshine bakes the fertile earth, and steam rises. Yes, this is a wonderful pun.
Steam rises, and it represents Steemit, the first platform where you get paid to have a social media account. The solution to the problem of "How in the world do I make money in a world that has enough stuff for everyone, but not enough jobs."

This is the obvious conclusion of having developed machines that perform such a great amount of work for us.

The only trouble will be keeping the population down. We all know the "Behavioral Sink" problem, from that experiment in rat-utopia. Those poor rats all went insane from the high population, no social boundaries, and having nothing useful to do. The rats went extinct.

But us? We've got Steemit. By taking pictures, writing ideas, stories, knowledge and wisdom, and journaling about events, we can make plentiful amounts of money, while leaving the real work in the hands of just a few honorable people. Yes, I pity them as well, but we need them. I'm sure we will write their name down as a part of history.

What of the machines?

Self repairing, analytical, thoughtful machines that are able to solve problems with themselves and with other machines. They'd build more robots out of recycled parts from others, while doing all of the complex work a society needs to function, all while taking maximum pleasure in this work. Oh yes, don't think we can enslave intelligent machines without giving them an incentive to work.

Pleasure. Just rewrite some data from organic lifeforms regarding pleasure into machines, and soon, intelligent robots will perform the most wonderful work, while enjoying intense orgasmic pleasure. They'll want to work as hard as they can. The harder and better they work, the more pleasure they receive. Slacking off will cause them unbearable pain and suffering, of course. Gotta keep those lil' guys motivated. Perfectly ideal enslavement.

It sounds a bit evil, but hey, at least it's not happening to you.
You just enjoy the fruits of their labor, blogging on Steemit, getting upvotes and making friends, having a totally chill life. At that point, I'd say "good job humanity".

We're almost there.


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