Marijuana!!! Our friend or An Enemy??? What science and medicine say about it??? A detailed study on its benefits and side effect!!

Hello steemians!! i'm DOC.HIMAL, a 3rd year mediacl student!!We are back with a medical topic, a topic that is ruling the medical world right now. Yes friends, today we will talk about Marijuana, its good and the bad effects on our health and our community!!!


What is marijuana???? How it works on our body??

Marijuana is a drug extracted from a plant, Cannabis sativa. Of about 500 chemical compound it contains, we will talk about one compound, THC(tetrahydrocannabinol), which is of our medical importance!!!
THC acts on the cannabinoid receptors present on the different parts of brain, these are CB1 receptors concentrated in brain and CB2 receptors concentrated on peripheral lymphoid tissues!!!
By acting on these receptors it increases the Dopamine level in the brain and alters our thought, memory cognition concentration ability and also our movements. Immediately after taking it you will feel relaxed & euphoric, your blood pressure falls, your appetite increases so you will eat more than you had imagined!!
The effects are simplified on the picture below!!

So what are the good effect of this drug on our health!!

Although there is on official medical Indications of marijuana in diseases, after many researches and case studies marijuana is found to be life saving in different disease processes!

1. Parkinsonism and Alzheimer’s

Both are degenerative brain diseases. Alzheimers is the most common cause of loss of memory after 50 yr of age. Whereas parkinsonism causes abnormal body movements and loss social and cognitive functions!!
According to the research done in 2006, THC the main compound of marijuana acts on cerebral cortex and prevents the formation of AB2 amyoid deposits which is the main culprit in alzheimers!!
You can see the research here--
Acc to case study done in 2011-12 marijuana reduces the pain tremor in parkinsons and improves the sleep!

The study done at new York state psychiatric institute proves . marijuana improves sleep , mood and food intake in patient with HIV.
You can see the research here--

3. Asthma
Asthma is lung disease characterized by breathing difficulty , cough. It’s a major health problem in young children and adolescent!!
Marijuana reverses the bronchospasm in the exercise induced asthma and relives breathlessness and cough.
You can see the research here—

4. Glaucoma
Glaucoma is a major cause of blindness in the world . the culprit is the increase in intraocular pressure.
Marijuana by decreasing the eye pressure relieves from symptoms of glaucoma!
You can see the research here—

5. Arthritis , chronic pain and multiple sclerosis!!
Marijuana decreases joint pain in arthritis , muscle spasm in multiple sclerosis
See full research here--

6. Epilepsy

Epilepsy is chronic nervous system disorder characterised by abnormal and involuntary movements, also known as seizures! Marijuana reduces the frequency of seizures in epileptic patients!!!

Cancer is the deadly disease of new world and the leading cause of death!!
Marijuana can kill specific cancer cells and also helps in preventing chemotherapy induced vomiting!

what are the bad effects of marijuana and why many countries are not approving it as a clinical drug in despite the research show lifesaving effect of marijuana on major diseases???

short term effects

It causes memory loss,
severe anxiety,
hallucination dissociation from reality,
risk of heart attack,
sexual dysfunction in male

long term effects

Addiction is the major health problem
Cognitive and intellectual dysfunction, loss of IQ
Detachment from society
Finantial problems
You can see the summary of side effects in the pic below!
Here comes the end of today topic!!!
Here we have seen both the benefits and side effects of marijuana, despite the benefits it is not used as a legal drug in most of the world. There are only 30 countries where marijuana is not legally restricted!!!

But question remains unanswered,… should we legalize it??? Post your views!!!

dont forget to follow upvote and reseem!!

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