The theory of death!! Why do we DIE??


Hello there, I’m back with a interesting topic .why do we have to die??

First of all, what is death??

Death is nothing but the cessation of life , i.e. death is when our heart stopps beating, lung stops breathing and brain stops thinking and our body becomes a medical way death is defined as the cessation of nervous , cardiovascular and respiratory function..

Then what is the coz of death ??


In a simple way we can put the causes into two categories, Natural and Unnatural.
If a person dies of a bullet its is unnatural,if he dies from accident it is unnatural. In the similar way diseases,natural disasters,suicide all can kill people. These all are unnatural cause..

you must be thinking “ he has mentioned almost all in unnatural cause then what the hell comes in a Natural cause??”
Just think of people you know who never had any disease in their entire life but they have died because of Ageing maybe a few e ago, few month ago or in any recent time!!!
Can you think of any??...yeah many people are in your mind right now, isn’t it??

Now comes the main topic…the person who never had any disease, who never had any accident , who had no enemies why does he die??


_Ageing !!! yes friends ‘ageing’ is the theory of death!!!...but question doesn’t stop here . why do we age?? What happens to our body when we age and eventually have to die??-

There are various theories of ageing and here they are!!

1.Telomerase theory

Our body is made up organs,organs are made of tissues and tissues are made of group of our body is bunch of cells but in a organized form. Each cell contains nucleus and nucleus contains chrosome. These chrosome control how or every cell works,and eventually our body!...telomeres are the cap like structures that cover the tip of each chrosome, they are also made of DNA like material..during our growth each cell divides, and in each division length of telomere also decreases, it is used up. There comes a stage where telomere are finished and without them a cell cant divide!!!......cell grows old, starts to lose do the organs becoz they are nothing but bunch of cells!! And thus our heart, brain and lungs cease to function and death meets us….

There are other theories too, but I will describe them in brief

Damage theory 10f1477685aefe6791a035ea57f7ac12.jpg it says that during our lifetime different harmful chemicals are accumulated in our cells. And cells die eventually!!

programmed theory
it says how long an organism lives and when it die are genetically programmed things . that’s why dogs live for shorter time than human…

**that’s it for today my friends….Adios!!

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