Kuya J's Diary Episode 4 - Super Blue Blood Moon

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"Super Blue Blood Moon"

Did you know that a very rare phenomenon will take place in tonight’s full moon, January 31, 2018? Three astronomical events will occur simultaneously tonight and this will include Super Moon, Blue Moon, and Blood Moon or Total Lunar Eclipse.

What we will be seeing see is reddish, larger than normal, full moon. According to PAGASA, the last time it was seen in the Philippines was three decades ago on December 30, 1982.

"Super Moon" occurs when the moon falls on the perigee or the closest distance between Earth and the moon, appearing to be larger than normal.

According to NASA, tonight’s Super Moon will be 14% brighter than usual.

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Blue moon” is the second full moon in a month. It is rare to have two full moons in a month hence the saying 'once in a blue moon'.

And we can really say that the phenomenon that will take place tonight will be once in a blue moon because Total Lunar Eclipse will also be happening tonight where the moon will appear reddish thus referring to it as the “Blood Moon”.

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"Blood Moon" occurs when the full moon passes through the umbra of the Earth’s reddish shadow that was cast upon the Sun.

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In the Philippines, we will be able to witness this three astonishing and beautiful phenomenon taking place tonight starting from 7:48 pm to 11:11 pm.

7:48 pm8:51 pm9:29 pm10:07 pm11:11 pm
Partial Eclipse BeginsTotal Eclipse BeginsMaximum EclipseTotal Eclipse EndsPartial Eclipse Ends

Also for Filipinos living in Luzon that wants to get a closer look at this "Super Blue Blood Moon", you may go to the PAGASA Astronomical Observatory on the campus of the UP-Diliman in Quezon City. You can click here for inquiries.


So prepare your smartphones, cameras, DSLR, and telescope (if you have one) and together with our loved ones, let us capture and feast our eyes to this once in a blue moon astrological phenomenon, the Super Blue Blood Moon.

Helpful Links:

  • For those who want to know the phases of the "Super Blue Blood Moon", you can click here.
  • And for those outside the Philippines, you can click here to know where, how, and when's the best time to view this magnificent "Super Blue Blood Moon" in your respective countries.
  • You can also visit this site to teach your kids about the "Super Blue Blood Moon". They have animations, videos, and few activities to help your kids to engage in this eclipse.


Image Sources

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