NASA Kepler Telescope Discovers 715 New Planets

NASA's Kepler mission has doubled the number of known planets outside of our solar system. In what can only be described as a "bonanza", 715 new planets have been reported thanks to the Kepler space telescope's planet-hunting mission. Using a new method for verifying potential planets led to the volume of new discoveries from Kepler, which aims to help humans search for other worlds that may be like Earth.

According to the article, all these planets were detected in the first 2 years of Kepler's launch (2009-2011), and this news item is the result of whittling down the probably planets over there to We have 715 confirmed new planets. Kepler has been finding things out there this whole time, but it's taken this long to weed out false positives and confirm a few solar systems similar to our own.

All these planet's that's been discovered but still haven't found any extra terrestrial species or NASA is hiding the truth from us ?


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