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👽Better understanding the effects of the Phychedilic drug LSD ( AKA ) Acid on the brain! Great photos!👽THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON DRUGS !

Image from For some people there a recipe for one heck of a party! For others its a dangerous one way ticket to trouble ! Part of the issue with studying these phychedilic drugs was that they are illegal and highly regulated! Leaving the researchers to jump through many hoops for this study , which only involved 10 people nine of whom were men.
The 10 participants went through 2 different sessions. One they were given LSD , the other they were given a placebo, and were asked to look at pictures and then identify certain images!
Now sometimes they paired an image with a similar item, like a hand with a glove. And other times the researchers showed them images which were totally unrelated. the paticipants gave an incorect word more often to the similar images like the hand and the glove, then they did to the unrelated images.
So if someone is on LSD and asked to identify a hand , may say" glove"by mistake when theres a glove sitting next to it , but they were more likely to say" hand"if the hand was say next to a train! This study is available on line in the journal,Language,cognition, and neuroscience .

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Theses researchers now say theres scientific evidence confirming that LSD enhances creativity. Leaving neoroscientists to believe that words that related to one another are neorologically conected , so that when you look at a dog and say" dog" you may also be activating a network of words like canine and pet.
So when your on LSD this network gets actvated once you look at a picture. So under normal circumstances when they took the placebo and seen a image of a dog, they would think canine, pet, dog! But under LSD the participants reached out a littlr further and said "cat "or" fish"!

This research was great in learning just how language works! LSD and other psychedelics such as "schrooms"psilocybin, definately look and act like the brain chemical seratonin . And knowing now that these 2 drugs act as receptors for seritonin in the brain called the 5-HT2A receptor. Researchers can now come up with new questions to answers how seritonin interacts with the receptor in the production and dysfunction of language.

Indiatimes .com image
So weather governments or policy makers want to admit it or not , psycoactve drugs are beginning to show great promise in efective therapies for various mental health issues , and could very well be the key in furthering our understanding of consciousness!

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