Fusion - Energy source that will power humanity for the next 1000 years - Announcement of a science series

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Hello guys and gals.

This is an the announcement of my multi-part science series.

In this series I will talk about various interesting topics in the field of science, mainly physics. Every part of this series will contain only one fairly broad topic and every part will be split up in 4 subparts that will tackle different aspects of these topics. I will be posting a subpart of a topic once a week as I will try to tackle each topic as precisly as possible and at the same time try to make it possible for everyone to understand.

You might ask, what is this guy going on about. Does he even have any credentials or something! Well as a matter a fact I do. I just recently finished my masters education in Condensed Matter Physics and am now a Ph. D. student that is working on various technological aspects of fusion. You can read more about me and my blog here.

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So the content of my first part of my science series will be as follows:

Subpart 1 - Introduction to fusion

In this part I will introduce the concept of fusion and how we can use it to power our society. We will try to understand why it is important and even needed. I will derive some basic quantites which we will need later in the series.

Subpart 2 - Promising fusion reactor concepts

In this part I will explain the technological hurdles that prevent us from utilizing fusion power right now and I will also show how far we have come.

Subpart 3 - Understanding the plasma-wall interaction

This part will revolve on one of the key issues of exploiting fusion power. This is also the part of fusion I am currently working in my Ph. D. thesis research.

Subpart 4 - The near and far future of fusion

Finally I will reinforce how far we have come and how far we must also go before fusion is an everyday thing. I will also tell you something about the marvelous future that awaits us thanks to fusion power.

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As I said the series will be understandable as that is my main goal. To bring science closer to the crowds of people who fear it. So please do not be scarred and follow me so you do not miss out. Please also upvote this post as the more viewership I have the more motivated I will be to produce high quality and scientifically rigorous content.

Thank you and have a great day.


Big thanks to @steemstem for allowing to use their tag, name and banner in the following series. SteemSTEM is a community driven project which seeks to promote well written/informative Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics postings on Steemit. For more information on the SteemSTEM project join their steemit.chat.

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