Could The Steemit Blockchain Enable An Open Science (R)evolution?

An open science (r)evolution

Being a trained scientist myself, I've thought many times about how Steemit could contribute to open science without the fear of having to appease for funding when publishing your own scientific work online.

This would allow science data to flow freely and bring incentive to true innovations that can change the world. This in turn would guide economic progress as well as the political and cultural impacts that good science can bring.

Scientific communication has always been a community problem, and the blockchain would allow a more open communication for all. I wish I'd been able to publish my final research papers on Steemit instead of trying to appease Shell UK for further funding (I did a Bachelors degree in chemistry.)


Truly free science

Free science is also free of censorship and peer pressure as well as allowing innovation to bloom with its decentralized model - as opposed to the centralization model of science right now.

The blockchain will also allow alternative models to replace ageing systems in science that are both clumsy and outdated. This move to blockchain would also vastly reduce research costs too.

Open science will allow business models to evolve that did not exist before. With the upcoming Steemit communities, I'm sure a community could be set for each of the sciences, so I'll add the #growth-ideas tag to this post as a result.

The roadmaps that these new business models would provide would be more transparent to all, and allow continuous scientific endeavours to happen more quickly and easily.

To conclude, it's a no-brainer to see that blockchain technology is the silver bullet for a more open scientific community to prosper, but the science community itself has to want it at the end of the day. Lets hope they make that leap of faith sooner rather than later. You never know, I might publish my own research on here one day ... stay tuned!

Happy researching!


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