The Weird Energy Beam That Defies The Speed Of Light To Travel Five Times Faster.

Prepare to unlearn everything

Welcome to the multiverse, the stage of the of mass deception and magic. There is an energy beam within Galaxy M87 that appears to being doing something it shouldn't be doing. It appears to be travelling five times faster than the speed of light.


Welcome to tachyons

These faster than the speed of light particles are known as tachyons. Theoretically they may be impossible, but these particles were first noticed by the Hubble Space telescope in 1995 in galaxy M87, and the same behaviour has also been observed in many other galaxies too. This makes us revisit our physics class where we were told that nothing could travel faster than the speed of light. You can't break the speed limit can you?


If you aim your telescope towards galaxy M87 you'll see the plasma that the galaxy emits is somewhat skewed to the right. It's not in our direct line of site. This appears to mean that this blob has spent many years travelling at stupendous speeds towards us.

It's not known how much energy these plasma blasts give out, but they have been known to travel in a corkscrew direction as monitored by the Hubble telescope in 1999.

But nearly 20 years later, things are still going bump in the night. Most local astronomical data is well known and documented, but once you get tens of millions of light years away, we really do start to enter Star Trek territory [ @plumtechno take note!]. So beam me out of this post will you Scotty! [faster than the speed of light please!!]


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