How To Live Forever! Miracle of Science which everyone can understand - Dream Coming True


If you are hoping for some living forever quotes then this is not your place. I am just talking about direct science facts, not like those quotes which suggests us work hard and to be in peoples memory. I am talking about to live forever with your real body with whom you are, the same person you are and same condition of today. You maybe scratching your head, but trust me science is awesome and you can't ever get more amazing thing than science.


For this first let the s**t get out of your head. Don't think about miracles and forever living capsule. Just try to think different, like wright brothers didn't thought to fly using wings like birds. If they had research there then we could have never experienced flights. Here I am giving you some scientific tricks which are in research or some is even practically proved.

  1. Transferring consciousness to the cloud

It might or might not sound complicated to you or you may have already understood what I am talking about ,but for those who are still scratching their head here is how it is done. You must surely have heard about transferring your computer data to cloud. It is basically the same. You may think how to transfer human consciousness to the cloud. Here is how, you must have heard about MRI treatment. What MRI basically does is it takes your brain signals and transfers into some kinda like genius doctor readable form. So complicated for us to understand. The concept is same but to a greater extent. To that extent that we can even transfer direct high definition video of what you are thinking. We can store whatever you are thinking now and whatever you know, who you are rather to say we store your brain to the cloud. But pathi our body may die? What can we do with our brain only?
For that have you ever heard about dolly the sheep. She was the first cloned sheep. That means science had produced her duplicate exact same size, same weight and exactly what she looks like. Here is a picture of her and her little clone.

download (8).jpg

We can take this to a greater extent and we can even make a body cloning in just 5 minutes or so. Then we can transfer all the consciousness you had (means your brain) in to your clone. This may look much complicated but computers were also so much far from people's expectation in late 18th. So, we may believe or at least hope it will to the next big thing.

  1. Transferring your brain to a robot

Today there are so many part's of our body that duplicated to robot (or machine) that can be controlled by our brain. There are so many bionic legs and hands that are already in use by many people around. The hands are legs are completely controlled by brain and can act as a normal hand. We can make some robots which has physically the same function of a human being and can be controlled by robots. And we can transfer your brain in a high security chamber of the robot where your brain cannot be destroyed. But you freaking look like robot? The answer is certainly NO! Because have you seen some robots from Japan that looks exactly like normal humans? Let me give you her picture.


Now I think you can sleep in peace.

  1. Taking a Capsule and going to the simulation
    This one is not living forever but is like a illusion of living forever. This involves taking a capsule and going inside a simulation room where everything is designed to be for like 1000 years. You will be on the simulation for just 1 or 2 hours but you will feel like you lived for 1000 years. The capsule is already developed and the simulation is still under development. But the fact is that you must come out of it. This might be boring to a high extent that might take some negative impact in human brain.

  2. Anti ageing injection
    This is quite self explanatory. A anti ageing injection is already built and is under trail period and will launch soon. But this may not help a lot because people die of accident and health disease also. So, this may only work if you just sit on a bed, check up your body everyday and just eat so much of healthy food which is boring and still is unsure of not dying.

You may probably be thinking how much time does it requires to make this technology in use. It's just about 30 to 40 years.
What if you die today?
There is another solution for this problem. There is a method called cryonics which involves preserving your brain in negative temperature to make it alive and when science develops that technology then you can again be alive with you awesome life again. You need $60,000 to preserve your brain and $120,000 to preserve your whole body. So, start saving your money!

*Picture credit Google
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Thank You All of My dear Friends for Reading this. Love You All

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