Time Travel - Is It Just A Myth? How science is making it a real thing. Simple Explanation, So that anyone can understand

Travelling through time, Wow! It's our common dream which seems quite impossible. But is it? Can we make time travel possible by any means? How are we even going to the past or future? How time works? What is time? These may be the possible question which is being raised in your mind right now. I am going to write a series of time travel article (As an article for all this is going to long and boring and science says that it is better to read for short time a day consistently than reading for long time a day). So, If You Don't Wanna Miss Any Of Those Then Follow Me. In this first series I will try to explain you what time is and how it works. I have made this explanation as simple as possible so that any one can read this. (* All the explanation is based on Einstein, Stephen Hawking and other renowned physicists explanation)
So, Let us discuss about what time is. We have always been told that time is the interval between two events and in simple it is so. It is the interval between two events. But going a little bit deep time is not so. To understand time you must know what dimensions are. Dimensions are where any thing is there. Dimension is used to explain where a thing is. I am not going in depth in dimension because it is a common and simple topic in our science lesson. I hope you know what 2 dimension is and in case you don't know. 2 dimension is the dimension where everything is explained in X and Y axis or to make it simple it is a point or any shapes that can be drawn in paper. So, rectangle is a 2-dimensional figure, So is circle and triangle. A 3 Dimensional figure is a figure which cannot be drawn in paper. We need space above the paper to draw it. A cube and cuboid is a 3 dimensional figure, So is the sphere and pyramid. You computer is 3 D.
So how is this simple dimension related to time. So, time is a fourth dimension. The dimension of time is usually termed as t-axis. So if you say John is standing then, to make it clear where he is standing you must tell some one he is standing on x=1, y=5 , z=2 and t=5. That means he is at 5 seconds from the origin. Einstein termed a 3-D space and time as a single thing and called it space time. Which is popular term that you are going to hear though out the series. Space time holds everything in this universe. So if someone says you space is nothing then say them "Space is not nothing, It is a complex part where there is a fabric to support everything and time points in it)
So, simply what you need to understand from this is time is not only the interval between two events, It is the fourth dimension, where everything lies. This much knowledge is enough for today. I hope you will visit me tomorrow. If you have any question then feel more than free to ask. No one is born genius so I would be happy even if your question is as stupid as it can be. Our next topic will be does some factor effect of rate of flow of time. That means like how can time be slow and fast moving. And some experimental proof of it also.
I know will be amazed to know all about it

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