Biochemistry Origins

The word biochemistry is derived from the Greek words bios (life) and chimeía (to cast or pour together). It refers to the chemical changes by which life processes are carried on.

These chemical changes are effected by the union of organic substances with inorganic elements. In this way the different tissues of the body are formed and energy is obtained for the vital processes of breathing, moving, thinking, the circulation of blood etc.


Dr W H Schuessler, born in Oldenburg, Germany in 1821, may be the first to use the term "biochemistry", in reference to to curative potential of homeopathic cell salts. The term was used more widely by 1898, when it began to be used more widely to encompass the whole subject of physiological chemistry. Formal coinage of the word is thought to have been by another German chemist, Carl Neuberg in 1903. Neuberg is considered the father of modern biochemistry.


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