Simplified Series: Introduction To Industry 4.0

History of Industrial Revolution

First Industrial Revolution- This happened when water and steam power was used to drive mechanical production. The invention of the steam engine and the use of machines enable the production of goods more quickly and changed forever the face of production.

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Second Industrial Revolution - The second industrial revolution took place when mass production was enabled by electrical energy. The assembly line is one of the relics of the second industrial revolution.

Third Industrial Revolution heralds into the era of automation through the use of computer and electronics. Production processes where possible were automated thus reducing the demand for labor.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution or simply known as Industry 4.0 is based on the use of cyber physical systems. This topic will be further discussed below.

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What is Industry 4.0?

So what exactly is Industry 4.0? As mentioned above Industry 4.0 is based on the use of cyber physical systems but rather than elaborating on this further, it is better for me to discuss some of the components and characteristics of Industry 4.0.

Big Data Analytic
Companies will make use of big data to analyze changes in for example consumer preferences and adjust their product offerings according.

Internet Of Things
Machines used in the production processes are all linked and able to communicate with each other. Real time data is captured. For example if there is a bottleneck in one part of the production process, this information can be relayed to all the other machines involved in the production process.

Autonomous Robots
More and more jobs will be done by machine.

Make no mistake: at some level, every job can (and will be) be done by machines.
It is not a question of if, it is just a question of when.
Shelly Palmer, CEO of the Palmer Group

This sounds very scary. However, on the other hand, new jobs such as apps developer, social media strategist and drone operator which did not exist 10 years ago will be created.

Cloud Computing
The storage and management of data using cloud is another enabler of Industry 4.0 through the integration of compute services with a cloud platform. Cloud platform tools support innovative and disruptive applications.

The need for stronger protection for internet based manufacturing becomes even more crucial. Therefore to counteract this higher risk, cybersecurity solutions have to be secure, resilient and fully integrated.

Augmented and Virtual Reality
Augmented and virtual reality can be used to create visualization of the entire smart factories. Therefore workers can take virtual tours of the factories even before they are build and thus gain valuable knowledge on the working of the factory.

Additive Manufacturing
The components will be manufactured at much faster speed with more flexibility and precision. This will reduce wastage and enable rapid prototyping. One of the latest innovation is the use of 3D printing in pharmaceuticals

In Industry 4.0, there is a need to move information which was previously stored in centralized repository to distributed ledgers. Blockchain enables the recording and sharing of information among the various stakeholders for example factories, logistics companies, suppliers, retailers and consultants which are involved in the manufacturing process.

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What the future holds?

Industry 4.0 is a disruptive force that will impact all facets of business, government and people. Companies will be able to meet specific needs of customers with production mass efficiency resulting in mass customization. Government will be able to deliver faster and smarter services to its citizens. The public at large will be concerned about the loss of jobs and intrusion of their private data. Industry 4.0 will also contribute to new sources of inequalities especially for less developed countries without access to new technology. Industrialized nations will form the new world order.


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