The kardashev Scale |Part 2

The Kardashev Scale 

In the last part I talked about what is the Kardashev Scale, who created it, and what it is used for.

If you missed Part 1, here is the link.

In this part we will be talking about type 2 of the Kardashev Scale and what will we be able to do once we reach it.

Type 2

At this point we can harness all the energy of our star, and not just changing star light to energy, we could control the star.

How you ask? Well there are several different methods have been proposed, but the most famous of them all is the Dyson Sphere.

What is a Dyson Sphere

The Dyson Sphere is a mega structure, that encompasses the star capturing most if not all of the energy the star is giving of.

The idea was first described by Olaf Stapledon in the novel Star Maker in 1937.

It was later brought to the public attention by  Freeman Dyson, in 1960 he wrote a paper about it named, Search for Artificial Stellar Sources of Infrared Radiation. Freeman believed that such structures would be needed for the technological advancement, and for long term survival.

What would it mean if we got to Type 2

What would it mean for our species if we could live long enough to get there,well first once a civilization reaches that Type there is nothing that can stop it or end such a vast civilization. If there was another planet on a collision course with earth we could simply vaporize it no problem.

And another option if there was enough time we could just move earth out of the way totally dodging it.

Now lets say we don't want to vaporize it or move earth, we could easily move another planet in it's way to stop it.

At this point nothing could lead to the extinction of a Type 2 civilization. 

Thank you for reading Part 2.

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