The Kardashev Scale?|Part One.

What is the Kardashev scale.

The Kardashev scale was created in 1964 by a Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev, Nikolai Kardashev was searching for sign's of extraterritorial life within the cosmic signal, so he designed this scale to be able categorize how intelligent the extraterrestrial life was if we found them.

The Kardashev scale has 3 official levels, but there are up to 6 levels.

And a renowned theoretical physicist Michio Kaku, has stated that the next 100 years is the deciding fact whether we will thrive, or perish.

Will we remain a type 0, or will we make our way to other stars and galaxy's?

In part on I will be talking about what level we are, how close we are to the next level and long long it will take to get to the next level.

We are at type 0, type 0 is where a civilization can harness its own planets energy,but not to its full potential yet.

We are said to be  0.73 on the Kardashev Scale, and its believed we will reach type 1 in the next 100 years, hence if we don't reach type 1 in the next 100 years we will perish, because the population growth is to much, and we need the technology to cure diseases that may arise, and we need it so that we can get to other planets so that we can spread out the population between other planets so that earth doesn't get over populated.

If we get to type 1, what will we be able to do.

Type 1 is where we can harness all the energy of our home planet.

And to get there we need to boost out energy production 100,000 times.

But once we are there we will be able to control over all natural forces, such as, weather, volcano's , earthquakes, and even tectonics plates.

That is it for part 1, I hope you enjoyed.

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