This Is What Your Everyday Habits Say About Your Personality

Studying different personality types is absolutely fascinating - we're all unique, but some traits may be the same.

People with certain character traits may also have certain everyday habits in common!
A new study by Benjamin P. Chapman and Lewis R. Goldberg published in Personality and Individual Differences has recently proven that personality types also share behavioural patterns and habits.

Psychologists have come up with the "Big Five" categories of personality traits that can sort us into different groups. These are:

- Openness to experience

- Conscientiousness

- Extraversion

- Agreeableness

- Neuroticism (Emotional stability)


The researchers conducted a study with over 800 people in Oregon, and asked them questions about how well 100 different trait adjectives described their personalities.
Most tests objects were white and the average age of the participants was 51 years.
The test results were then compared to how often the participants performed different mundane activities within the last year. These every-day activities could range from taking a shower to talking on the phone, reading a book or using a hot tub.

So let's take a look at the results!

1) Openness to experience

- Associated with bohemian, cognitively stimulating, and non-conformist acts -

People who are very open to new experiences (and are also linked to "intellect" in the study) are more likely to...

  • be artistic
  • daydream
  • buy a book
  • walk around naked at home
  • create art or attend an arts event
  • buy organic food
  • curse in public
  • not follow any sports team

People with high levels of intellect, also associated with openness to new experiences, often performed contemplative, aesthetic or creative actions. Interestingly, some behaviours of high openness were exactly the opposite of high conscientiousness.


2) Conscientiousness

- Associated with avoidance of irresponsible behaviors -

People who are very diligent and conscientious are more likely to...

  • not curse in public
  • be a hard worker
  • pay a lot of attention to detail
  • not let work pile up before a deadline
  • not sleep past noon

Participants highly ranked in conscientiousness showed behaviour that was very responsible and organized. They were self-controlled, sometimes perfectionists, and rarely did anything that would decrease their productivity.


3) Extraversion

- Associated with behaviors reflecting social and physical stimulation -

People who are extroverted and outgoing are more likely to ...

  • lean towards more riskier behaviour
  • go running or jogging
  • drive while on the phone
  • tell dirty jokes
  • cheer loudly at a sports event
  • use a sauna or hot tub
  • discuss ways to make money

Highly extroverted people were most likely to engage in different forms of social activity, and also showed dominance and social confidence. Also, behaviours inducing a positive effect like telling jokes or cheering loudly were common. In general, extroverted people were more likely to seek sensations and stimulate pleasure, whether that's from physical activity or risky behaviour.


4) Agreeableness

- Associated with some domestic tasks -

According to the study, people who score high in the agreeableness trait are more likely to...

  • have a large circle of friends
  • sing in the shower or car
  • sometimes have trouble getting work done
  • spend more time doing household chores

The study had the least amount of results for the category of agreeableness - this might be because it's weakly associated with a larger number of activities, but with few highly distinguishing behaviors.
Participants scoring high in agreeableness showed more behaviours that directly or indirectly benefited others, showing a desire for interpersonal harmony.


5) Neuroticism (Emotional Stability)

- Associated with various types of self-medication -

People with low emotional stability are more likely to ...

  • make fun of others
  • drink alcohol or use other drugs to make themselves feel better
  • swear in public
  • lose their temper
  • drive faster because they're angry
  • take tranquilizing or sleeping pills

Most of the behavior patterns from participants with low levels of Emotional Stability showed efforts to cope with stress.
Also, behaviour denoting anger or hostility towards others is considered an indicator of low emotional stability and low agreeableness.


Where are you ranked in the "big Five" personality traits ? You can take a test to find out.

Do you agree or disagree with the habits of each personality trait?

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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