What is possible with 3D printers?
Recently I have been doing research on 3D printers, and I have found some from $100 to $40k!
Obviously the quality and capabilities differ, but even the cheaper ones can still be useful to a lot of people.
However the higher end ones like the Carbon M1 have far more capabilities (Which uses Continuous Liquid Interface Production - A photochemical process that makes it possible to produce parts with excellent mechanical properties, resolution, and surface finish.)
And watching these bad boys can be very appealing :D
A 3D printer in every home..
What about when these printers become mass produced and more affordable?
Think about the types of things we will be able to make like
- Tools
- Kitchenware
- Auto parts
- Other parts
- Toys
- There are even some that print Food!
And basically pretty much anything else you can imagine..
Here are some websites with a variety of 3D printers and reviews.