Can You Guess What Animal Has The Biggest Penis In The World?

First I blogged about the animal that produces the world's biggest sperm. Then came (Ha!) the animal with the world's biggest testicles. I guess posting about the animal with the world's largest penis is the natural continuation!

If in the aforementioned posts you guessed the blue whale (the biggest animal to have ever existed) then you would be wrong both times. Well, third time's the charm as blue whales might not have the biggest sperm, they might not have the biggest testicles but they are kings when it comes to the size of their penis! 

This is just the dried TIP of a blue whale penis (credit)

How big is their penis? BIG! The average blue whale penis is about 2.4 to 3 m long, with a diameter of 30 to 36 cm, however the biggest ever recorded blue whale penis was about 5 m long and weighed about 400 kg!

But what animal has the world's biggest penis proportionally to its body? As I have covered in my "9 Incredibly Weird Animal Penises" post two months ago, the record for biggest penis proportionally to its body I believe goes to barnacles, with their penises reaching up to 10 times the length of their body!

Confined to a life stuck to a rock, barnacles have evolved the longest penis of any animal for their size!  (credit: University of Alberta)

But why do their penises got so big? Well, the main evolutionary force was probably the fact that they are sessile animals. If you are immobile it makes sense to have a huge penis, it definitely makes the logistics of sex easier!

Didn't have enough cock? Ok, meet the tapir a weird looking animal with 5 legs:

Tapir the 5-legged creature (credit)

Their penis is so big they can even scratch their back with it!

Don't Be Jealous!

Are you jealous of the the animals featured in today's post? DON'T!

We humans actually have the thickest penis, both in absolute terms and relative to body size, and also one of the longest among all primates. Next time you feel small, remember of the poor gorillas. These guys have triple the mass humans do but their penis is only 3-6 cm long!

With a 3-cm penis I would be grumpy too! (credit)

More Strange Animal Stuff

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