Are Chemtrails real? Do widespread, covert programs of aerial spraying for Geo-engineering and other purposes already exist?

Reports from around the world have long claimed that the many thick, persistent trails we see in our skies that emerge from the rear of large airplanes are not merely the innocent 'contrails' of vapor that many commentators claim. It is a fact that patents exist for technology that allows airplane operators to spray large volumes of chemical material into our planet's atmosphere and it is a fact that many 'scientists' are openly talking about using the technology to spray heavy metals into our air, whether we like it or not. As you will see in this post, it is also a fact western governments have admitted to secretly spraying toxic chemicals over their own populations in the past and have even said that they would do it again.

In the course of my research I have seen passionate argument from those who are certain that chemical cocktails are being sprayed over us and I have also seen counter arguments from those who are certain that there is no conspiracy and the issue is only that there is much heavier air traffic now than in the past and that people generally do not understand enough about atmospheric science to be able to understand why the 'contrails' persist in some cases - as they do.

What follows here are a variety of videos that i have collected over the last few years which provide a variety of facts and some theories about the situation, with my comments.

The UK government admitted to spraying the population covertly with cadmium sulphide in the 1960s from the air and on the ground. The chemical is a health risk and still sits in the soil even today. What's worse is that when they were discovered, they stated that they will 'do it again'!

With that admission in mind, pay attention to the reality that government advisers are publicly now pushing for an overt program of deliberate chemtrailing under the guise of 'fighting global warming':

When we consider that it has often been shown that global warming is being massively blown out of proportion by the use of statistical manipulation and mis-representation of data:

AND that, despite propaganda that claims otherwise, there really is not a true consensus amongst 'scientists' about global warming:

We must be vigilant when listening to what is presented to us and do not assume that we are being given the full truth by groups and individuals who claim to just want what is best for the Earth.

Now that we have a background of some of the issues involved, I will present here some of the more controversial videos that claim to demonstrate that not only has a covert and widespread program of chemtrailing been in action for years, but that the contents of the trails range from radioactive materials through to nanotechnology, viruses and other stranger forms of material that are claimed to be changing our DNA delibrately - turning us all into guinea pigs and worse. If this all sounds insane, i suggest considering that while it IS insane, it is certainly not insane for us to look into it and the insanity is within the ones perpetuating the acts - if they are indeed real. I also remind you that there have been MANY cases of forced and non consensual experimentation performed on innocents around the world in the last few decades and i am certain there are many more that have not made it into public perception yet.

James Corbett interviews the author of a recent book about chemtrails in their relation to government research programs:

Researchers examining the apparent contents of chemtrail drops - which appear to include hybrid forms of DNA that have been found to interact with humans:

Neurosurgeon discusses what he perceives chemtrails to be doing to our brains:

An early, full length documentary into chemtrailing that includes direct questions to US government agents - who deny and avoid the topic at all costs:

More related videos can be found in the recently added katalist at, here:

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