This week we shall start sharing #daily-guide daily devotional here on our steemit blog at exactly 5:00am (CAT). It is made available as part of our commitment to fulfill the mission God has handed over to us as well as the vision we work towards. God will use this publication to really bless your life. Grab the hard copy at any Scripture Union outlet closest to you within Nigeria. Click here for possible contacts.
A regular time: you should make it a vital part of your daily routine.
A quiet place: where you can meet with God undisturbed.
A Bible: in a translation that you can understand.
A pen or pencil: to write in your notebook.
Your Devotional: to help you into a regular, systematic and interactive reading of the Bible.
Step 1 - PRAY: Start with prayer. Remember you are entering God's presence. Confess your sin. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help you understand and respond to what you read.
Step 2 - READ: Read the passage for the day carefully. Read it again slowly so that it might penetrate in. Listen to what God might want to tell you.
Step 3 - MEDITATE: As you read, observe key words, events, places, and/or people and prayerfully seek for the lessons or truths that are in the passage. Look for answers to any of the following question(s) for the day to help you in your meditation:
Q.1- What does the passage teach about God the Father, or God the Son or God the Holy Spirit?
Q.2- Is there any example for me to follow or not to follow?
Q.3- Is there any command for me to obey?
Q.4- Is there any promise for me to believe or hope for?
Q.5- Is there any warning for me to heed?
Q.6- Is there any prayer for me to remember?
Q.7- What truth is God revealing to me in this passage?
Q.8- Is there any other Biblical passage that can help me understand this passage better?
Step 4 - RESPOND: Respond to the passage in prayer. Turn your discoveries about God (Father, Son or Holy Spirit) into worship. Turn your discoveries about yourself into decision and pray for God's help to act wisely and in faith. Then, write down in your notebook any point(s) from the day's passage that you will like to remember as God's message to you. Thank God for your time with Him and bring your other petitions/supplications to Him.
Step 5 - SHARE: Decide how to share your discoveries with other people by word and in practical action.