Seablue Journal: The Lesson of the Falcon


While smoking my cigar in my backyard, I spied a falcon circling on the updrafts looking for prey. It is often at moments like these when I'm watching the world around me, I'm reminded that some insight can be gained from watching nature.

As I meditated upon falcon's method, I contemplated how it was preserving energy by using the thermal updrafts, the natural action of the wind and air carrying it along. While in this mode of conserving energy and utilizing the forces that nature provides it, it is attentive and focused on where opportunity may lie. When opportunity arrives, the falcon is able to judge through experience and confidence in its ability, whether it is able to seize that opportunity. At the moment of decision, it puts the full force of its energy into the process of capturing that one opportunity.

I don't think it takes too much imagination to see how this can apply to our own lives. The lesson of the Falcon is that between opportunities, we should conserve our energies through the adept use of natures forces, and be focused with intent upon the areas in which opportunity may arise. Having discovered an opportunity that we have the capability to advantage ourselves with, we should focus all our abilities upon it and seize the moment.

That is my little piece of wisdom gained from the observance of nature today. The way we should go is written in the world around us if we take the time to observe what is. I hope you enjoy my little meditation and I hope it may add something to your life too.

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