SeasonChallenge #1 - The walking dead 😱

This week me and my friend @erikah launched a new challenge. SeasonChallenge is meant to give you the opportunity to share your thoughts and art towards the seasons. Until 1st of December we can praise the beautiful Autumn especially with the approaching Halloween.
My contribution for this week round is a spooky story. I want to share with you something that happened to me some years ago. Today I can laugh when I remember this adventure but back then...


The people from my hometown are really close to each other. We know everything about our neighbours and they are those who share our joy or sorrow.
One of those nice people was my neighbour Marcu (the Romanian version of Marcus). A 70 years old gentleman with short white hair and a huge appetite for beer. Two things were always sure: the sunrise and Marcu heading to a chic coffee shop. Every morning he was having his coffee in that place and around lunch time he was heading to one of the bars located in the middle of the town. How would you know you are not late for school? Marcu is still home so it's still early.
I finished high-school and went to university in a big city. Leaving home was hard as I couldn't get used to the big city rythm and I kept calling my parents every day. The conversations were pretty much the same. How's the weather? What did you do today? How are the neighbours?
One day though, my father called me and told me that Marcu died. He suffered a heart attack in that coffee shop where he was spending his mornings. I remeber it was somewhere around the end of October. The following weekend (when I was supposed to go home for a few days) was the Halloween. Despite the sadness we felt when we spoke about Marcu, he was not mentioned in our next conversations. I had some exams and this was our main topic.
Next week after receiving these sad news, I went home as planned. My family were waiting for me, especially my younger sister. She was missing our daily walks and conversations. After a good night sleep in my own bed, next morning I took my sister for a walk around the neighbourhood. We were talking and laughing when suddenly a familiar face appeared in front of us. Marcu! The dead and burried (at least this is what I thought at that time) Marcu.
After saying a very polite "Good morning, girls!" he left us in the middle of the side walk continuing his trip to the coffee shop. My sister replied to him and continued to speak to me. It was the first time in my life when I felt I'm loosing my wits. Or maybe there is life after death and I've just been greeted by a ghost? Shaking and unable to speak I sat on the sidewalk starring at Marcu's silhouette disappearing after the corner of the street. I was afraid to speak, even breathe.
You cannot even imagine how I scared my sister with this reaction. She gave me some water and almost carried me home. My father asked me what happened and when I told him I saw Marcu, he was quite puzzled: "Ok, so what if you saw him?". "Dad, I just saw a ghost!".
After my dear family finished laughing, they told me something really funny: they forgot to mention that Marcu resurrected. Well, he was not quite dead, just clinically dead for 30 minutes. He woke up at the morgue (I can only imagine the uproar be caused there) a little bit dizzy and went home without further assistance.
I don't exagerate or lie. These are the facts surrounding the 2001 Halloween.
If you wonder what happened to Marcu, well...he eventually died in 2010 after several unsuccessful attempts (he woke up at the morgue again - no scientific mistery, as our town did not have a coroner until 2015, when one of my friends finished medical school and embraced this grim field). Most likely our Marcu was fainting or something and they were just dumping him at the morgue. Or maybe a different medical condition...who knows?



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