SECRET WRITER: I Accidentally Smuggled 500 Euros Worth Of Marijuana Onto An Airplane

It all started when me and my brother went on a trip to Mallorca, Spain in the summer of 2014.

We checked into a decent hotel and began to drink some cold beer after a 5 and a half hour flight. We both smoke marijuana, so we decided and go into town and see if we could find some marijuana. So we tracked down some youngster who looked a little like a gangster. He said we could find marijuana, as those who sold it were wearing sunglasses on the beach.

So we went down to the beach and stopped by a store and bought some cold beer, and went in search of those who sold marijuana. We finally hit it, eventually found the one after, one hour and a half maybe. He said he had it, and it cost 10 Euros per Gram. He went and got it and asked us to meet him at the corner of a pub.

We got it and said thank you, and decided and go towards the hotel. And we lit up a joint on strasse, while walking along the road.

We became more and more high.

We met a guy from a village not too far from where we are from. And he said he will also be staying a week. He caught the scent, tracked it and asked us if we could share our weed with him. We shared it and drank some beer on the beach and then went to the hotel, where we started becoming like liquid high sky.

We decided, later in the evening to go out on the town looking for girls. There was quite a lot of nightlife, so we decided to find a place with people our own age (20 21 and 24). We ended up at a discotheque with a lot of good party music.

We decided to look for some new weed, and also, we had forgotton about the weed we had just bought. We thought the stuff was actually not that good. So we went out and I randomly found a tattoo parlor. Inside, we asked them if they knew about any marijuana. One guy said, "Yes, I can obtain prime quality"

We agreed and paid 50 Euros for 10 Grams.

We met at the tattoo parlor an hour later. We picked up the finest marijuana I ever had seen in reality. Were like Strain Hunters quality, we have only seen on Youtube and stuff like that. On the way back we met a street vendor who sold Rivotril. So we bought 20 pieces for 20 euros. And threw down 2 pieces each.

We had to have a joint at once, so we went down to the beach and rolled up two fatties. But by then, the Rivotril had already kicked in. So we were mighty intoxicated, and twanged when we talked. We were fighting high and stoned, the future was sort of collapsing all around us at once.

One of the better intoxications I felt.

We arrived at the hotel, and were sitting on terrace, smoking and drinking until 5 in the morning. The next day we did not get up before 7 o'clock in the evening. And all the marijuana lying on the nightstand. Luckily the maids did not say anything to us and we didn't have any trouble. Spain is quite liberal, actually.

We had one morning joint and a beer on the terrace. We were pretty drunk sick, but we had to have us a cold one in the heat. That morning was one of the sickest I've felt with marijuana. I felt weightless, like soaring on a cloud. We enjoyed ourselves very well and the drunk flu began decline.

We took a valium and went to town, only me and my brother this time. We decided to go to the tattoo man and get more so that we had more for the rest of our stay, we had 5 days left.

We came in, and he recognized us and said, "You were happy boys?"
We answered, "Yes very happy."
Then he said, "You will get a good price if you buy a part."
Then I said out of the blue, without thinking, "500 Euros."
So he said, "No problem. Meet me with money in about 40 minutes."

So we went to the ATM and withdrew the Euros. We really did not think about how much money it really was, mainly because we were quite affected by the Rivotril and beer.

We waited in the area until we met him. There was another guy in a tattoo chair. We came back, and there he stood ready with a carrier bag of pot, and we were surprised, and I said, "Really, so much?"
He said, "Yes, you said 500 Euros."

Then it dawned on me, I had said 500 Euros and I was out of my mind, really. I had no clue what I was getting into.

I thought I was silly, but I was in too deep by this point so we bought it and got it wrapped up in several bags so no one would be able to tell what it was. We decided not to take a taxi, though, and we walked back to the hotel.

We arrived at the hotel, and opened the bag. It was so much more than we needed! Way more than we knew what to do with!

So we began to ponder what to do. I suggested that we buy jars with rubber packings and then try and take it back with us. My brother did not agree with this, and would not risk it.

I tried to devise several ways to do it, and I found out we were to land at 2:40 am, so I thought that was good. I thought I'd just try and take it with me. It was certainly 300 Grams of very good marijuana.

So we became more and more unsure of what to do.

I decided and take a Rivotril against anxiety and try for the best.

When we arrived at the airport, I started to regret it.

I packed the glass well into my clothes. I checked my luggage at the gate and boarded, and had hoped that my luggage would not be scanned.

I had good fortune, as my luggage was not scanned.
The flight felt like an eternity!
I tried drinking some beers to keep calm.

But the truth is that now I was smuggling drugs on an airplane!

We arrived at the airport and landed about 3:00 am, a little late, and we stood at the area where you pick up your luggage. We waited for it.

The time waiting for the luggage felt like an eternity! I finally got it, I looked around and grabbed my bags and went to the green zone in customs. No customs fortunately!

I had managed it, without getting punished. Spontaneous trip and spontaneous drug smuggling.

I came home and checked it on the scales, and it was almost 380 Grams, I had brought with me. In Norway, I guess I really lucked out and avoided some months in prison. So, I was eternally grateful for not being caught.

-Secret Writer

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