How I Got Rich On Steemit "Over Night" - Finally Revealing The Big Mystery

You won't believe me, but everything started with a bikini.

Well actually it's not a bikini. It's rather a "wetsuit".

Anyways. Just think about a half-naked girl! Got it?

But let me explain the whole story in detail.

Victoria's Marly's Secret
Photographer: Pascal Le Segretain - Image legally purchased on Getty Images (for more information or a copy of the receipt just contact the author)

The big secret about my success on steemit

Probably most of you already knew that, but the only reason why I've ever earned anything on this platform is that I get naked whenever I get a chance to do that.

Actually it's the very best thing about being a girl with no brain.

We still have these certain assets.

You know what I mean...?

How I got caught

Actually I was hoping to play that game forever.

But today somebody revealed my strategy so I might have to change it.

My initial attempt when joining one of the steemit chat rooms today's afternoon was to start a conversation about Hardfork 19 and its immediate impact on the platform.

Many users have noticed considerable decreases in votes and rewards, and I thought it might be interesting to talk openly about it, to look at it from different points of view and get an overall picture of the situation.

But then I learned that I (@surfermarly) am not allowed to have an opinion about that.

The fun part began when one of the users told me that my content on steemit was completely overvalued and that I therefore had no right to complain at all.

He said that I should rather be thankful for the rewards he paid me and the fact that I didn't ever invest anything into the platform.

Now you all wanna know who this angel is, right? :-D

Actually, according to that person I'm not the only one here.

Quote: "Without your bikini surf videos the Steem Guild wouldn't have ever supported you. Same happened to @heiditravels."

High five to that one, Heidi! LOL

I actually can't remember you doing a Crypto Tip video wearing a bikini...?!? But probably I was listening to your content instead... 

My bad!

To my today's dialogue partner: thanks for the chat. This has surely been one of the funniest moments ever in my life :-D

If I plan to stop getting naked on steemit?

Are you kidding?

It's the only thing I know...

Hugs & kisses
Marly ❤️

Watch my scandalous bikini shots on YouTube: surfermarly on YouTube

PS: I'm planning to open an online training school for girls "How to become a naked steemit millionair in two weeks." Interested users please send me a PM.

EDIT - Final note:

What is the only problem of having success in life? Correct, people that start to envy you since their own limitations impeed them to become as far as you did. The following comment section shows what happens when you try to respond to these trolls. So here is the most important advice of all: don't do that. Don't try to calm them down. If you wanna be really smarter than they are: ignore them. Mute them, don't talk to them and don't even think about them. They don't deserve your attention. You are successful for a reason, so don't let anybody tear that down.

When they go low, you go high. 

Good luck! 

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