Mr. Robot Hacks that can happen and tonight “a dream device for pentesters"

Most of the time movies or series give the job of hacker a sort of unrealistic super powers. The InfoSec community hated them all. I mean the movie hackers or the serie CSI:Cyber. Really?

Mr. Robot is different. It has been mostly spot-on with the security stuff . It is the first series ever to get close. Although not all security specialists are (that) crazy ;-)

Tonight it will about a “a dream device for pentester,” to run a custom script he has written to take over someone else’s phone.

I know this stuff under the name Android Open Pwn Project. I can't wait to see this episode. To give a idea about how realistic series is. A nice example. (checked them out and i know them. But found a list on

The DDoS Attack
The DDoS attack aimed at AllSafe, Elliot’s employer was designed as a cover for the bigger hack. F-Society, the ficticious hacking collective, had installed a rootkit in the system that would be used to steal data from AllSafe’s client, E-Corp. Elliot, later realizing that the hackers are targeting him and asking for his help, stops the attack from infecting other E-Corp servers but keeps the rootkit open on his own computer, allowing F-Society to maintain their presence in AllSafe’s systems.

Reality: This attack is well-done in terms of its realism, and Elliot even refers to a real DDoS mitigation organization, Prolexic, to further cement the attacks real-life rooting. DDoS attacks by themselves can do damage, but a DDoS attack that hides other attacks is a major threat to organizations can cause major issues when it diverts all the attention to the DDoS attack.

Just watched the episode

The episode today is about
I tried the tool out on my phone. It needs to be rooted ofcourse. It is doable but not as easy as mr robot makes you believe ;-)

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