👮My last 2 nights Watching A Tent ( Security Job ) 👮 ( All Original Photos and Content Just taken At 330 am Today ! ) 👮

👮 THE LONELY LIFE OF A SECURITY GUARD ... THANK GOODNESS FOR STEEMIT HELPING ME PASS THE TIME ! I will be so happy when this Job is over !! Im grateful for the extra work as im currently on Employment Insurance , and this is a part time cash job ! Every year The Brick has its huge tent sale and needs Security to guard the tent full of furniture over night . It really is the most boring thing on the planet LOL ! Tonight im in my car for 11.5 hrs watching this tent because its the Victoria Day long weekend on Monday ! My shift is from 10 pm until 930 am , then tomorrow im here from 10 pm until 730 am !

👮 Heres me in my car ! Oh what joy !!



👮 Im so glad I have Steemit to keep me company , there's no internet right here so I backed all the way up to the White Spot Restaurant where im picking up some free Wifi !! LOL ! But I brought the wrong charger with me and im just hoping my battery lasts me till morning ! Thanks for keeping me company my fellow steemians ! You guys are awesome !

👮 Heres a photo of the tent ! Plus one of inside the tent !



👮 And the quiet bare parking lot . Such is the lonely life of a security guard ! Don't get me wrong I love it , all the more time to steem on steemit !


👮 Hope you all enjoyed going on patrol with me ! All up votes and resteems are greatly appreciated ! Thanks for all your awesome support over these past 10 months now ! Never stop steeming on !


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