L̲e̲t̲'̲s̲ ̲s̲e̲t̲t̲l̲e̲ ̲i̲t̲ ̲N̲O̲W̲ ̲A̲N̲D̲ ̲F̲O̲R̲E̲V̲E̲R̲:̲ ̲W̲h̲y̲ ̲b̲e̲i̲n̲g̲ ̲a̲ ̲c̲o̲p̲ ̲i̲s̲ ̲c̲o̲o̲l̲!̲?̲

Hello friends, neighbors, welcome to this post where we will talk about a very special and particular office, the police. They are the law and order wherever we are, from Venezuela to China. Always the authority that will be in the streets care for the citizens, avoiding robberies and stopping the thugs are our friends the policemen.

Many say that the profession of being a policeman is a danger where you are always going to be risking your life and where every day you will not know if you are going to live or not at home.

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However, there are many good parts that bring this profession or trade, and like any career is very important that you have the right vocation and love to become a great police.

Doctors and policemen have some things in common. The main thing is that both have to be always at the service of others, have a great commitment of citizens and have to always give their greatest dedication to their work. That is why in order to become a policeman you have to have a great attitude and many values, where you know that you are dedicating 100% your life in protecting other people.

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And being a cop is not just saying "Hey, I'm a cop", no! From becoming a police officer you begin to have a great commitment to society, you start to have a new status, and that's when you become the law. 

You also begin to set an example where all people should respect you for your position, you should not abuse your position, always humility above all and in front.

And as you well know, when you are a policeman you start to face things that as a normal person you would not. As for example, being in an environment of a robbery, being in front of the thieves, being in a fire exchange, or even seeing in front of you as a group of criminals are capable of taking a person's life and that you could not Do anything to stop them.

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Those are a couple of bad things about being a cop, but you know what the cool part of it is?

It has many!

  • Mainly, as you are the law, people have to listen to you in what you say, from time to time it can be fun to take advantage of this part, only once in a while.

  • You are capable of carrying weapons without the police imprisoning you since you are the police!

  • You will have good friends and companions, who will also be willing to give their lives to take care of others, and also to take care of you.

  • You can drive a nice police patrol or a nice motorcycle, and above all, you can turn the emergency light on and off!

  • And let's not forget the coolest of all, donuts! You will always have a couple of companions to accompany you to eat them, and who knows if a couple of grateful citizens give you some once in a while.


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