Beware Phishing Based Upon the Olympics


Cybercriminals, activists, and online fraudsters like to use phishing to lure people into clicking links and supporting fraudulent causes. Email and SMS texting can deliver Phishing messages which lure unsuspecting victims to click links, open files, and provide sensitive information which will ultimately benefit the attacker. Phishing can deliver malware which can install ransomware, steal passwords, and access bank account authentications. It can also lead victims to malicious websites or establish a communication channel where various fraud occurs.

Phish’ers are always looking for a juicy topic which might motivate unsuspecting targets to open or respond to an email or text message. Every four years, a highly anticipated and publicized topic appears which fuels emotions and is ripe for them to use as part of their devious plans.

The Olympics

The Olympics is a global media event which motivates people to root for their nationalities and favorite athletes. It is covered in the news, print, and on the web. Keeping up with all the incredible events, scores, rankings, drama, and medals is difficult. This is where the criminals come in. They begin campaigns crafted to follow rivalries, popular events, and favorite teams. Titles of their emails or messages are written to draw victims in.

The Damage

Falling victim can be terrible. Here are a few things to expect.

1. Ransomware: Ransomware infects your system and identifies valuable files, such as documents, photos, and office files. It then encrypts them and hold them for ransom. The extortion must usually be paid by Bitcoin and can range from a few hundred dollars to over a thousand. Without payment, in most cases, the victim will never be able to open their files. For more information on Ransomware and how to avoid it, read 7 Methods to Fight Back Against Ransomware

2. Malware: Clicking a link or opening a file can install malicious software to your system which can cause damage to the system and data, harvest private information, and infect other systems. It can be terribly difficult to evict such software.

3. Stolen Credentials: By establishing a channel of communication, crafty criminals can use social engineering to trick, coerce, bribe, and flatter their victims into giving them just about any information you can imagine, including bank account information and work login credentials.

4. Fraud: Certain attacks target your assets, purchases, gaming accounts, and even air mile credits. Criminals can drain accounts, redirect shipments, place shopping orders for themselves, or make you look like a criminal and destroy your good credit in the process

5. Spam Forever: One of the more minor but annoying results may be a tremendous increase in the amount of spam you receive. Phish’er realizes the value of a good email account or mobile phone number. That is, one which a real person is using and watching. There is a marketable value for such information. Your email address or phone number may be sold to spam organizations who then resell and use the information to flood your inbox or phone with solicitations. It can be frustrating and dangerous. Read 3 Rules to Unsubscribe from SPAM if you want tips to safely reduce spam in your inbox.

Stay Cautious

My advice to you is to be wary of messages discussing the Olympics. Do not be rash. Take a moment to think and apply common sense. Criminals want you act in a moment of emotion, they want you to just open and click. Be smart. Don’t open email from unknown sources or follow untrusted web links. Most certainly, don’t download, install, or open files from places you do not know are safe.

Enjoy the all the glory and triumph of Olympics. Don't become a victim.

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