Ransomware Help is Here

No More Ransom! Site: https://www.nomoreransom.org/crypto-sheriff.php

Ransomware is a scourge and every day more people fall victim to these cybercriminals. For the most, those who find themselves looking at a ransomware demand screen are pretty much screwed. The individuals are left in bewilderment of what happened and why they cannot use their precious files, faced with a choice to pay criminals or do without their data.

A new non-profit site, NoMoreRansom.org, has been setup to help victims. It provides information, resources, and for a lucky few, depending upon the ransomware variant, there are tools available to decrypt files without having to pay the extortion.

Hope this helps.

For more information on ransomware and ways to protect yourself, take a look at my 7 Methods to Fight Back Against Ransomware blog.

Interested in more? Follow me on Twitter (@Matt_Rosenquist) and LinkedIn to hear insights and what is going on in cybersecurity.

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