I'm stll feeling wiped out, but I was reading Spencer's AMA https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5qkv7r/jihad_watch_director_robert_spencer_at_the_donald/ and a discussion of the Red/green axis kind of put this thought in my head.
The left and the globalists have aligned to bring as many Islamist invaders into Western countries as possible to advance their own goals
- The Left somehow thinks they will use Islam to destroy the West, and then just smoothtalk themselves into taking over (well, they aren't the sharpest tools in the shed despite their presentations to be so)
- The globalists, at the heart of their own "agenda" are nothing more than rent-seeking corruptocrats; I doubt they give a shit about the fate of their own grandchildren if they can earn a just little more baksheesh from the Oil Shieks. (One of McCain's "security advisers" at one point of time was a just out of grad school woman who had gone school on a grant from some Saudi royal front.)
Just when they were on the brink of their power grab, things started slipping from their grasp
Brexit, the election of Trump, the rise of nationalist parties in Europe, hell, even the emergence of autodefensas in Mexico...people were starting to stand up for themselves
and there is a pretty common theme here...the failure of governments to protect their own people
Terror attacks in America from Muslims WHO HAD CONTACT WITH OUR SECURITY COMMUNITY AND WERE THEN RELEASED UPON THE PUBLIC, more terror attacks in Europe, and the insane increase of sexual attacks on European women, all had a common root, a religion that preaches war and slavery upon the unbeliever.
It is absolutely necessary to understand that not all Muslims are Islamists, but that the religion itself is both a political and religious system with xenophobic, violent, and tyrannical underpinnings. Yes, this increases the complexity of solving the problem, but as long as Islamists aren't attacking us, it is not our problem
And very close to Europe, the rise of the new caliphate...many of the new terror attacks carried out by jihadists that swore their loyalty to this new caliphate...a caliphate that arose from the ashes of the failures of globalist/neocon policy...and armed in part by the globalist/leftist alliance.
The reaction of Western governments has been to silence those who asked for protection, to allow a 15 year rape spree in small British city, to deny even the proper naming of Islamic terror.
And the people rebelled by voting.
In part, part of the rejection of the corruptocrat Clinton was in reaction to the shrill, insane, tyranny of the Fainting Couch Cows (SJWs)...or the loss of jobs...or the constant attack on free speech under the false flag of "anti-racism"
But I think we need to allow ourselves just a little bitter ironic gloating over the fact that the terrorists these traitors have imported to bolster their own malfeasance have played a part in their undoing.