Worst Birthday Ever!


I was literally just talking to @rebeccaryan the other day about this subject and I will be damned if this year didn't take the cake.

I was telling Becca that every year either on my birthday or close to it, something bad happens... never fails! Especially when I was working as a patrol sergeant, I would get in to the craziest shit you ever seen. Fights, chases, stabings murders, shootings, you name it and I got to deal with it on my birthday.

Probably the worst one was when I was being shot at by an ex-marine sniper with a high powered rifle and all I had was my handgun. I could hear bullets going over my head and I actually called my mom while behind cover and told her that I loved her real fast and had to go.

Well, this year beats that one hands down! It started off last Thursday with being told some horrible news that just devastated the Bandit. I would tell ya but it's complicated and is a little too personal for here. I stayed in bed and looped on this issue for a couple of days, even missed a Blake Shelton concert because of it. Not that I'm a big fan of his anyway, but still.

I developed a massive migraine like I've never had in my life! My jaw bones and teeth were even hurting, ever hear of that? After taking several Goody powders, the migraine finally taps out but then something else happens. The left side of my face goes numb! What!?
I've never experienced anything like this before so I'm getting really worried now. The left side of my body is already jacked up due to permanent nerve damage but my face has always been normal until now.

I give it one hour to see if it will go away and I'm really starting to panic now. After an hour, there is no change so I made the call to 911. The response was very quick. They checked me for signs of stroke and heart attack and luckily they didn't think either one of those were involved and that my symptoms were MS related. So they loaded me up on the ambulance, hooked me up with all kinds of gadgets and off we go!

Once we get to the ER, the hospital is packed as it usually is and I'm stuck in triage, but first I must get checked in.


I was in the waiting room about 4 hours before getting called back to a room. Here are some souvenirs from the ambulance ride.


Not knowing if I was having a full blown relapse or what, I prepared to stay overnight and packed my trusty man-bag 🤔


I didn't get a full blown room, it was more like a "yeah, we can make a room out of this" kind of thing. There was a crackhead wondering around outside being loud and disturbing all of the patients while the staff and security did nothing. I may have some audio of his crap, I will have to check. I think they were scared of him.


This is what I saw when I looked over the top of me.


Oh yeah, @rebeccaryan and I were talking about dreads the other day and this dude in the waiting room had some very impressive ones, they went all the way down to his waist. Taking his photo took me back to my undercover days, Ha!


This is the CT scanner that they put me in. I was only in there a couple of minutes and it wasn't bad at all. I have to be sedated for an MRI.


This is me playing peek-a-boo with you. The bright lights and the crackhead were starting to wear on the Bandit.


That's about all I have to show and tell today. I was released after being given several concoctions of steroids and other meds and was told to follow up with my neurologist tomorrow. Supposed to get 2" of rain today so I can't show you any pretty pics outside. Well, you can't say my title didn't disappoint or wasn't accurate lol. I hope your day has went better than mine. @bluelightbandit


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