我的个人简要介绍 A brief introduction about myself

大家好!我是Rio Chen. 很开心能经我的先生@Seabearflying的介绍,加入Steemit大家庭。希望可以在Steemit跟全世界的朋友互相交流,分享我的生活。
Hi all, this is Rio Chen. I am so excited to join this family after my husband @seabearflying introduced me to this platform. I am looking forward to engage with people around the world on Steemit, to share my life with you all.


After graduated from college in 2009, I went back to my hometown Xiamen, a coastal city in South China. I joined in a foreign bank and started my nine-to-five working life ever since.

I must say thank you to the employee benefits provided by this foreign bank. I have sufficient annual leave to travel and discover my new habits. Since my first travel outside China in 2010, I seemed to be addicted to such a pattern, a well-planed vacation and an enjoyable journey. My footprints have left their trails in lots of counties, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Thailand, Cambodia, Japan, Spain, Holland, Malaysia, South Korean, United Kingdom… I like to follow my own pace, go to wherever I like and record those beautiful sceneries by myself. Maybe I will share some of my journey here in Steemit later.

Picture taken at Nara Japan 2015

Picture taken at London United Kingdom 2015

The year 2016 has its special meaning to me. I got married, resigned from the bank that I have worked for seven years, and moved to a brand new place United States together with my husband. And I also found out that I was pregnant late this year and had a new role, a mom-to-be.

照片摄于美国印第安纳州 2016冬季初雪
Picture taken at Indiana United States First snow in winter 2016

My baby girl Tiffany was born in May this year. As a new mom, everything is so new to me and so challenging. I am learning to be a good mom and hoping that my girl can grow up happily with my company.

Picture taken one week prior to my due date

Picture taken on the 100th day of Tiffany

如今,我和我的先生和我可爱的女儿住在美国的印第安纳州。虽然未来的一切都是未知的,我们不知道会在这里,会在美国呆上多久。但我相信我们不会停止旅行的脚步。这不,我们刚在女儿4个月大的时候完成了一趟会另我们终身难忘的旅行。若感兴趣,欢迎阅读@seabearflying 近期的帖子。
Now, I live in Indiana, United States with my dear husband and my lovely daughter. Though we are not sure how long we will be here, be in the United States, I believe nothing will stop us from travelling. We just finished one unforgettable journey to Miami in Sep17 while my daughter was only 4 months old. If you are interested, please refer to the recent post by @seabearflying.

Picture taken at Indiana United States

Anyway, thank you very much for your attention! I hope to have more opportunities to share thoughts with you guys. You may comment after reading to let me know how you think. Please follow me if you like my post. Thank you!

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