Selfportrait, Draw Me Out【自画像】

首先,恭喜 @nicolemoker 加入steemit 50天了,并且得到了900 名追随者,Nico女神为了答谢所有支持者,举办了自画像比赛,奖金50SBD并且有幸运抽奖,参赛详情请点击这里。我作为女神的忠实粉丝,自然是要参加的。

First of all, congrats @nicolemoker joined steemit for 50 days and get 900 followers. She holds a selfportrait contest which has 50 SBD prize plus lucky draw, as one of Nico's fans, I will for sure to attend the competition. How to join? Click here

我们会画花,画树,画水果(之前 @helene 举办了这一系列的比赛), 甚至我们也会画卡通人物( @htliao 正在举办这个活动,入口点这里), 但是大部分人应该是没有画过自己的吧,我也很好奇自己把自己画出来是什么样子。

We always draw flowers, trees and fruit ( @helene held a series of this competitions before),and even we will draw anime characters ( @htliao is holding this competition, if you are interested, you can click here), but we seldom draw ourselfves, I'm also curioous what will I look in my drawing.



I think the hardest part is the eyes and mouth, and since I over-laughed, my mouth turned to be really big, that's add more difficulties. I tried to draw myself with my pencil for many times, but it too ugly, I can not persuade myself to put it here, so I ask my sister for help, she helped me draw this picture.


I did not give up, I changed another way to draw, I always use eraser to clean drawing with pencil, so I decide to use pen, in this way, I can not change. I also tries so many times, but finally, I draw myself out although it is not like me, can you recognize?


Ads:参加了 @rivalhw 七夕爱情征文比赛,有幸能入围参与公投,希望能得到你们的支持!我的作品你若不离,我便不弃,作品编号是7747, 请动动小指头,帮我投上您宝贵的一票吧!Click here to reply 7747, Thank you.

感谢您一直以来对 @herlife 的支持!

Pls follow, upvote & reply @herlife, Thank you!

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