Steemit SEO Casestudy - Rethinking My Strategy While Moving Forward

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The big picture idea of this project is to build a blog that ranks for keywords, has high page authority and that becomes a great source of backlinks for our clients.

Change of Strategy - More Internal Links and Authoritative Content

One thing that I am getting painfully aware of is that it is so easy to forget the basics of SEO.

One thing that I forgot to take into account is to create a series of posts that I want to rank them "authoritative" content that answer specific questions. That content is usually much longer when it comes to word count, rich in h1,h2,h3, bold italic, bullet points , etc.

**From there whenever I write other pieces of content, I can keep referring my articles to one another. **

For example, today I published How to Get to Ucluelet - By Land, By Air and By Sea...Your Choice!. I know that I will often refer to this in my future why linking to my own article rather than someone else's?

SEO Benefits of Internal Links

Internal Links are hyperlinks that point at (target) the same domain as the domain that the link exists on (source). In layman's terms, an internal link is one that points to another page on the same website.

The ideal internal link structure would look something like this:


So I am creating a series of top tier blogposts that will be "the big cheese" of my account. Then whenever I can cover a specific aspect of one of those, then I will refer within it aspects of that top tier article.


A Top Tier article for @ucluelet could be: 88 Things to do in Ucluelet

I could then create a blogpost the next day about "Whale Watching" that refers back to the "Things to do in Ucluelet" page...and so on and so forth.


Learn, Do & Repeat.

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2 columns
1 column