Seth Rich Murder- 2 Exceptional videos summarizing what we know

Hillary and Podesta killed Seth Rich. It's pretty clear at this point that he was shot, he was alive after that, he was taken to a hospital, he was alive at the hospital, they cleared out the ward, and then he finally died for real. Tons of smoke around this one, but it's a pretty clear cut case that he gave DNC emails to Wikileaks, the DNC team caught him, and they "made an example of him," which is an actual quote from Podesta in a leaked email.

Check these videos. First is an internet rando that put the story together in a well done format. The second is Bill Still who has 1000+ videos called the Still Report reading the note left by the 4th year medical student talking about policy changes the night Seth was in the hospital and died.

This whole thing also blows open the stupid "It was Russia" thing the DNC is going after. The leaks were from Seth... he's not Russian. That was smoke to try to cover the fact that they just ripped the nomination away from Bernie. Bernie won the first roll call vote at the DNC. They then had to postpone it, and force all the HRC delegates to show up, which was another violation of the rules. Literally even after they cheated in the states it wasn't enough. They had to cheat at party HQ as well!

Video 1:

Video 2:

The Free Thought Project has run a story on this. You can read that here:

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