The Seven Day B&W Challenge - Day Eight / 七天黑白挑戰 - 第八天 / by @deanliu

Thanks to @rea (link), @helene (link) and also myself @deanliu (link) _ for nominating me for the Black & White Photo Challenge!

This eighth post is truly my last entry and I hope I have successfully broken all rules in this challenge _ ... except that I never provided any explanations in any of the eight posts... [which I might do later in one post]

I am going to include a new element in this rule breaking last post - a giveaway or contest, which I will explain in only Chinese (so as to benefit the CN community since both my nominator are great CN Steemians! But you are welcome to Google translate it and submit your answer in English!





My entry today:

The rules :

  • Take 7 black & white photos that represent an aspect of your life
  • Present one image every day for seven days
  • No people
  • No explanation
  • Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in
  • Use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags


  • 7張代表你生命一部分的黑白照片
  • 一天發出一張照片
  • 没有人的照片
  • 没有解釋
  • 每天提名一個人但任何人都可参加
  • 其中一個標籤必須用: #sevendaybnwchallenge

I nominate @rea and @helene because they nominated me into this and by so doing seems to successfully close this little fun run. Don't you think so? _

我提名 @rea@helene參加,哈哈,他們就是提名我的人,早就都已經玩過一輪了。但這樣循環回到起點的提名也是蠻有意義的,圓滿成功完成八次的七天挑戰賽!耶~~~~~~

See my quote from the fake last post:

And if you think this is my final post for this challenge, think again! I might break the biggest rule of all - Seven posts!! Who knows? Stay tuned .... :)


如果你以為我七天挑戰完成了的話?可別忘了我是專門來破壞規則的,誰說一定得七篇呢?我照片數量都超標了呢 ~~~ 哈哈,不告訴你,我也不知道~~~ 高興的話,也許再來一次? _

Good bye, The Seven Day B&W Challenge!!

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