Let's Talk About Sex!

Take a deep breath and put aside your blushes for a few minutes. Yes, we, my frisky friends, are going to talk about sex. Intercourse. Fornication. Making love. Boning.

Warm up, get comfy, and insert your favorite phrase here, because we are going to get close and comfortable and down and dirty.

Let's talk about sex, baby!

I can see your blushes blushing, @gmuxx ;)

Sex can be one of life's most pleasurable experiences. But it can also be confusing, and even be surrounded in stigma. It's 2017 but many people are still being raised with uber puritan beliefs. It's 2017 yet some societies remove body parts from females so that the act of intercourse will not be pleasurable.

It's 2017 and still some of us squirm in our seats at the mere thought of communicating our desires to a partner.

Sex means different things to different people. Some consider foreplay to be part of sex, and some people consider it it's own thing. Foreplay is the warming up stage- the kissing, caressing, etc, leading to penetration. Some people never get to a penetration stage, and that's sex too. Self pleasuring is sex as well. Sex is subjective.

I was raised Latin Roman Catholic. Sex was not even taboo- it was absolutely unspoken in my house. Period. I learned from the Nuns in church school that sex was an act of love between a husband, a wife, and God. It was pounded into me that God was there whenever you made love with your husband- yes, as a small child I pictured a threesome. How's that for messing with a kid's mind?! And it was a sin to give your body to anyone before marriage, even your husband to be. However, a woman was supposed to submit her body to her husband absolutely and completely, at his whim and never question or deny. I was taught that the bible says homosexuality is a sin. That women who have had more than one sexual partner were "dirty" and slutty and it was implied that it's not terrible to stone such women in public...

Basically, I grew up with notions that any sexual act was a sin unless it was done within the hetero marriage.

I am probably one of the most accepting people you will ever meet. I do not care how you look or what you're into or who you love. As long as you are good and kind on the inside, you are good in my book. As a child, I was given unhealthy non positive sexual disinformation, it was how I was raised and I did not know better. But now I know and guess what? If you are happy and it's consensual it's all good! Love is love <3

Sex is healthy. It releases dopamine- the feel good hormone which causes elation, attention, improved memory, and a temporary desire to take risks and explore. Scientists have found that the dopamine released during an orgasm is comparable in it's effects to a shot of heroin! No wonder lovemaking is addictive! Post orgasm, it can take hours, days or even weeks for the body to return to it's sober state.

Another happiness hormone released during the act of copulation is Oxytocin. Known as the cuddling hormone, it's produced by hugging, cuddling, touching and kissing. Unlike dopamine, oxytocin's effects are longer lasting and deeper. It is literally the hormone that bonds you with someone, and since it's secreted in the highest amounts when you're having relations, it speeds up attachment to the partner we make love with- whether that individual is worth our love or not. It stimulates our brain to remember our partners smell, voice, eye color to strengthen the bond.

These natural hormones feel good, relax us, and make us feel bliss, content, and happy.

Sex boosts the immune system. Kissing a partner gives you immunities to the germs and viruses your partner has come into contact with, even if you have not encountered them yet. It speeds up wound healing, slows down aging of cells, and increases life expectancy. Doing it regularly stabilizes your mood and your sense of well-being. It increases your heart's health, lowers blood pressure, improves sleep, and is a form of exercise!

Getting it on even reduces certain cancer risks and is a powerful pain reliever!

Shagging is fun and good for you!

Sex is a beautiful and exquisite act. The fact that it makes your body produce such good feeling chemicals is proof enough!

Getting over lifelong social or religious sex-stigmas can be a difficult feat. You might find a sex positive therapist helpful. But in my opinion simply talking about it makes it easier! Especially when you talk about it with your partner as it'll help you grow closer and more trusting and allow you two to explore and adventure together.

Let's talk about sex, baby! The more you talk the more you'll feel at ease and the faster you'll open your mind and body to the fun and pleasures that are your birthright.

Images via Pixabay

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