So Many People Have Sexual Energy Incorrect, It Is Not Just For Sex..

So Many People Have Sexual Energy Incorrect, It Is Not Just For Sex..

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I’ve always been really open about my sexual energy and I’ve also been really embarrassed by it. I have so much of it, that sometimes I have no idea what to do with it all that in the past it would go places that I didn’t want it to. I know sex to be a conversation and not the physical act but the actual embodiment of sex and the energy of it. The creative flow of that spirit has always been one I dive into everyday. Whether it be through poems, writing, fantasizing, touching myself, dancing, creating business or eating food. My sexual energy always shows through it.

This is something that I have always been really self conscious of, I would force myself to hide it and only show it to myself which would only feel like I was blocking parts of myself from being shown. I moan literally after every bite of my food because i feel like I’m making love to the food that is entering my body. Some people point it out and I get really embarrassed by it and then other times I’m just like “If you’re not moaning while you’re eating food, then wtf are you eating.”

One reason why I kept drinking alcohol all the time was because my sexual nature and all my fantasies that I ever desired to partake in would come out and I would get to experience them full force because nothing about me backed down from what I wanted. The creative energy would move through me in ways that I couldn’t even fathom and I loved it. Now 3 months sober and my sexual energy is flowing through other things like the gym and dancing and connecting more to my business and writing my book.

I’ve always desired to have this connection to my feminine spirit a lot more than I have and today when I was dancing, it helped me see that the sexual energy doesn’t want to be hidden. It’s meant to shine just as bright as every other aspect of yourself and it is not to be shunned upon like some of society makes it out to be.


There is a difference in hiding your sexual energy from the world and actually driving that sexual energy into a project you are creating and letting others feel the impact and the flow of your soul. I thought at one point I had to separate my sexual energy from my business and my friends and certain conversations and then I noticed that I literally couldn’t do that. The sexual energy part of me is the sapiosexual in me that likes to be activated through the mind, body movement and pictures.

The energy is a profound force that can be worked with in multiple different ways. It can be manipulated and abused or it can literally heal the world, and it’s your choice of how you are desiring to express that part of you. But it never wanted to be hidden or to only be acted on during sexual intercourse. It wants to be expressed through every aspect of your life.

If this is a topic you're interested in I would love to hear your thoughts around sexual energy, and what you do to move that energy. It is one of the most powerful forces in the universe and it ought to be used like it is sacred. Comment below some things you have noticed as you give your sexual energy away to things that don't benefit you and vice versa. Also you can follow me on all my other platforms below. Thanks for reading :)

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