🎅Happy HOLIDAYS🎄 from the entire SGT HQ AND sponsor @ADSACTLY ! Wishing you ALL a blessed Holiday Season! Dont Miss your chance at some awesome prizes!

Is everyone enjoying the HOLIDAYS and season 2 of SGT?! I know we here at the S.G.T. HQ are! 

As you know, STEEMITS GOT TALENT SEASON 2 IS ALREADY IN ITS 5th week... CRAZY We know!! With each passing week we here at the HQ have been striving to come up with ways to improve the contest!  Ways to bring more winning to all of you! Whether in the form of prizes for placing, or entertainment for those watching the entries and voting, We are striving to bring the best of SGT out!   This has been an amazing first season for SGT, and we want to push it to make it even better!

 "Any talent is a talent!" -SGT Motto We all know everyone has that hidden talent in them.  Why not show yours and make money!  The contest is almost over but far from done!  Enter... Check Network and promote... Check Win....Check! ITS EASY! MAKE SURE TO READ THE SUBMISSION RULES!

 Some dolphins and whales that I feel would love this initiative! @jamesc @glitterfart @fulltimegeek @v4vapid I hope to catch your attention and support on this amazing initiative! Thank you! <3 much LOVE for STEEMIT, my HOME! Notice these people *Jedi masters!*    

BLESSINGS TO ALL THIS HOLIDAY SEASON! @ADSACTLY AND @STEEMITGOTTALENT WISH YOU ALL THE BEST FOR TODAY, AND FOR ALWAYS!  Thanks to @ADSACTLY for always supporting and being a true STEEMIAN who cares about this platform and the people in it!

A huge shoutout to our major sponsors! 

The ADSactly Community- @ADSactly

@ADSactly and the entire ADSactly Community,  They are doing amazing things! Come check out the community! 

ADSactly COMMUNITY DISCORD: https://discord.gg/7ffeGsA    

The Whaleshares Community- @officialfuzzy and @akrid and of course the STEEMIT GOT TALENT COMMUNITY! Who has supported this journey every step of the way! 

 As I have always said, FOR THE STEEMIANS, BY THE STEEMIANS! A huge shoutout to my current sponsors, without you all this contest would not have come to fruition!  I am glad to have a solid foundation, as that is the building blocks to anything in life,  IF THE FOUNDATION is poor, the building itself (this contest) would be weak.  STRONG FOUNDATION + STRONG IDEAS + STRONG COMMUNITY = POTION FOR SUCCESS FOR ALL OF THE STEEMIANS! 

We here at SGT strive to bring only the best to this contest and community.  We are excited to make these announcements and look forward to everyone ramping up and really digging in, because the JOURNEY has JUST BEGUN! So come join us here at S.G.T.!  Any TALENT is A TALENT!  Below I have stated the official rules set!  Lets rock and roll! <3 Love from @bambam808 and all the sponsors, a GOOD LUCK! No, not good luck... BECAUSE THIS IS TALENT! GOOD TALENT too all!     

Steemit is the Key...

SMOKE.Network Discord: https://discord.gg/nUhKxyd

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