Steemits Got Talent Season 1 Week #9: QiQi (6 years old) Climbs a 20 Foot Chain In A Renovated Church! Video and Pics

QiQi is amazing and does beautiful and incredible things every day. This is just one of her recent climbing accomplishments of awesomeness. This is her first ever entry into Steemits Got Talent and it will likely only be one of many to come!

You can find more about QiQi here if you dont already know. 

This is a video of her sliding down a 20 foot chain she was climbing in a renovated church at an epic party we went to. She climbed up and down multiple times as you can see from the video. 

If you thought this was some talent please VOTE for QiQi here!

As you can see in the pictures she even held on to the chain 15 feet in the air with NO HANDS!

I created this account in trust, to share QiQi-Power and to   give  QiQi   a way to be be responsible for supporting her own dreams  and   desires.   She fully comprehends and is excited to work for and  create   things   for her self she wants.  She wants an Ipad to create  art with, make  videos, and research her interests. She is already  learning sign   language as well as new songs  every day.  I will be  posting her chosen  content and perspective as well as  represent for  her here, having sole  control of the account and all  activity on it. I  have done this because of the laws of children having social media   accounts and access. This is set up in trust for her future and thus   must survive to be of any worth.  She has decided to power up all SP to  make Steemit better and  to invest in her future trust.  All liquid  Steem will be put twords her  Ipad or the dolls that she wants. She will  trade that Steem to a   Steemian in exchange for  the  ipad when she  saves enough.  She is already working on more art pieces,  as she says  "I love making Steemit  posts." This account is intended to give QiQi a  creative outlet and  opportunity to make her own way and achieve her  dreams.     

Until Next Time SteemON!

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