WINNERS! Shadow Contest Round 6- Animal Shadows

The Winners Are.....

@ninahaskin titled this one 'Dancing With Myself. This praying mantis and his shadow visited her deck!


@schmidthappens entered this clear and distinct Argentinean kitten shadow.

@redheadpei entered this beautiful Painted Lady and it's shadow!

@shasta Is one of the only people I know who can take a photo of a moose and it's shadow in her backyard!

@angryboy had to try many times before he was able to get his goat to stay still long for the photo! This is Kalu- the name means 'black' in Bengali.

@molometer found one of the more unusual animal shadows!

And to complete the zoo, and because I truly can't make up my mind this group will be awarded 2nd place and .5 SBD

@dokter-purnama entered this wonderful crane shadow

@norwegiansteem entered this unforgettable shadow of Hiro being happy!

@strypes made me look closely at this 3 legged animal, but it turns out it is two legs and a tail of her cat, Stormy, trying to avoid having his photo taken.

@andyfishman Entered a Daddy Long Legs shadow!

@countrygirl entered a shadow shot of Abbey, her delightful Goldendoodle...and got in a shadow selfie, too!

@graphxguy entered this slightly abstract bird on a branch shadow.

@ileana56 entered this photo of Maya's shadow. I think her ears make her look like she is wearing a hat!

@steveconner came up with this shadow from a fast moving blue dog

There are many more cats, and two Doberman's and a bunch of other dogs,, and two ants, ladybugs and a crab.There is even a monkey! And a duck and a cricket and a Coati. Oh, a pelican and a wolf! And a turtle! But I have stretched this 10 SBD in prize money as far as I can for this round! It is the best Shadow Collection so far. You guys have outdone yourselves and continue to amaze me! Everyone got upvotes from me.

Thanks so much to everyone for participating and upvoting and making this contest a success!

If anyone would be interested in helping out with sponsoring the prizes for the contest, please do let me know! And if you do enter, please consider a larger percentage upvote so that the contest does not continue to lose money each week!

To participate in this week's Contest, post your photo here

ShadowPhotos- Round 7- Architectural Shadows

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