WINNERS! Shadow Photo Contest- Round 7- Architectural Shadows

Once again some wonderfully creative shadow photos! Each of them is truly a winner and received an upvote from me!

We have a world tour of shadows this week! The top 10 winners are:

@axeman entered this shot of a balustrade that he shot in Malta. I love the shadow circles it creates.

@molometer entered this shadow shot taken from the viewing platform of the Burk Khalifa building in Dubai.
How very cool to have a shadow of the tallest building in the world in this week's Shadow Contest!

@zulfikar.ngoham entered this delightful photo of the shadow his fence in Aceh-indonesia creates that looks like Arabic writing.

@betterthanhome entered this great shot of the shadow created by the Story Bridge in Brisbane, Australia.

@countrygirl entered the shadows on the front of this delicious looking ice cream shop in Port Rowan, Ontario, Canada.

@itchyfeetdonica entered this shot of the shadow cast by this beautiful building in Delft, in the Netherlands.

@pusteblume 's photo is of the shadow of the figure on the tower clock in Wuerzburg, Germany.

This shadowy shot from @angryboy was taken at the Jomidar Bari- the veranda of the old house of a liege lord in Bangladesh.

@otage entered this shadowy brick wall shot that I am going to guess was taken somewhere near New York City. image

And these odd shadows on the wall are from @steveconor and are most likely from Arizona, in the USA.

Thanks so much to everyone for participating and upvoting and making this contest a success!

And a special thanks to @luigi-the-gnome for donating to the prize fund! And to @schmidthappens for being such a big supporter! Please thank both of them for all they do so that this contest can continue!

If anyone would be interested in helping out with sponsoring the prizes for the contest this week, please do let me know! And if you do enter, please consider a larger percentage upvote so that the contest does not continue to lose money each week!

To participate in this week's Contest, post your photo here

Shadow Photo Contest- Round 7- Vehicle Shadows


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